
Rajapur Bus Stand Timetable, Contact Number 2025 | MSRTC Bus Timetable

Are you looking for the Rajapur? If yes, you've come to the right place! Your search for the Thane Railway Station bus schedule ends here. Find all the essential details, including bus routes, timings, and ticket prices, conveniently in one place. For your convenience, we also provide the Rajapur Contact Number, so you can directly get in touch with the RajapurBus Depot.

Rajapur Bus Stand Contact Number

If you need to contact the Rajapur for bus schedules, route inquiries, or ticket details, you can reach out to them directly. The official contact number for the Rajapur Bus Stand is: 23532-22029

Rajapur Bus Stand Timetable

Here is the complete and updated timetable of all buses arriving and departing from the Rajapur Bus Stand, along with their schedules, routes, and ticket prices. For assistance, contact the Rajapur Bus Stand directly.

Rajapur to → Mumbai Central

Departure Time:17:00,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Ajivali

Departure Time:9:15, 15:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Amba

Departure Time:14:00,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Ansure

Departure Time:10:30, 16:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Bhalavali

Departure Time:8:20, 16:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Borivali

Departure Time:16:30,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Burambewadi

Departure Time:6:00 Sogamwadi, 8:15, 10:30, 13:00, 15:45, 18:15
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Chikhalgaon

Departure Time:8:45,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Chouke Mahalunge Taral

Departure Time:8:15,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Chunakolvan

Departure Time:12:45, 16:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Devache Gothane

Departure Time:8:30, 12:30, 17:35
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Fufere

Departure Time:6:00 Railway Station, 13:30, 17:00
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Gavkhadi

Departure Time:8:40, 11:30, 15:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Gavpadave

Departure Time:8:30, 15:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Gitewadi

Departure Time:6:00, 12:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Hasoltali

Departure Time:13:15,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Hatde

Departure Time:16:30 via Hasol
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Jaitapur

Departure Time:6:00, 8:30, 11:30, 18:00
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Kajirda

Departure Time:16:15,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Kelwade

Departure Time:6:30, 9:15, 13:30, 16:25
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Kotapur

Departure Time:8:30, 15:00
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Kumbhvade

Departure Time:12:30, 16:45
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Mandavkarwadi

Departure Time:7:30, 16:15
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Mirgulewadi

Departure Time:8:30, 13:00
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Nanar

Departure Time:16:45,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Nate

Departure Time:6:30, 15:00Ambolgad - 9:00, 13:00, 17:00
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Ozar

Departure Time:6:30, 12:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Pamhane Pachal

Departure Time:8:00,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Pune

Departure Time:6:30, 8:45, 16:30, 17:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Rantale

Departure Time:14:10,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Ratnagiri

Departure Time:6:00 6:45, 8:30, 9:30, 10:00, 11:00, 11:30(Ajivali),13:00, 14:00, 14:30, 15:30, 17:00, 17:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Sagave Shirase

Departure Time:12:30, 16:15
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Sangli

Departure Time:12:30,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Sodyewadi

Departure Time:12:00,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Akkalkot via Solapur

Departure Time:7:45,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Talgaon

Departure Time:6:00, 11:00, 16:30(Moroshi)
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Tamhane

Departure Time:12:30, 17:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Taral

Departure Time:5:30, 9:00, 12:30, 16:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Tuljapur

Departure Time:8:00, 12:15
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Tulsunde

Departure Time:12:30, 16:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Vaddahasol Pendkhale

Departure Time:8:00, 16:45 - Dasur Satavali10:30 - Chiptewadi13:30
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Valye Kharepatan

Departure Time:7:45,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Yerdav

Departure Time:11:15, 18:00
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon

Rajapur to → Zarye

Departure Time:15:00,
Bus Stops:Not Available
Ticket Price:Coming Soon